Saturday, February 26, 2011

Alternative Career as HR

We believe that every career has to end at the top of Business Position or Self Employment or Enterprenuership... As we move on to build a better career it is important to leverage on the skill and build multiplicity of Career to achieve the Top of Business position.

It is important in today's age of Career Competition and Business Competitiveness keeping you ahead of curve is leveraging on your strength and apply to opportunities you get in various fields.

I am listing some of the key skills from Business can be applied to HR Careers. In this Post shall focus on two of the business pririties : Sales & Customer Service to HR ( Talent Acquisition & Employee Relations ). Next Series would include : IT, Marketing & other related areas integrating to HR.

Sales - Talent Acquisition : A sales function helps in creating the value proposition of job to the person. Helps in clarifying the need to the actual work product in HR ( Talent Acqusition ). The following are the similarities of qualities:

- Customer Research & Identification : Sourcing
- Mapping Customer Needs : Mapping Job Description to the Candidate
- Client Relations : Candidate Relationship
- Cold Calling/Reaching out : Call for Screening / Reaching to hunt the Head
- Purpose & Relating : Helping in mapping requirement to person
- Product Featuring : Organizational Job, Values, Culture
- Advantages : Career Progression etc.,
- Benefit Sales : Salary & Career Advancement
- Number Driven : Hiring Numbers Driven

*Sales person need to understand the integration to the other functions of HR in this case... as the retention is key like repeat sales.

Customer Service ---- Employee Relations : The ability to understand the customer and serve them on-time every time is the key for the Employee Relations job. Professionals who understand the importance of Customers

- Customer Understanding & Products/Services : Understanding Business & Policies and procedures
- Customer is Priority : Employee Engagement is Priority
- Customer Help-Desk : HR Help-Desk
- CRM - HR Self Service / Applications for Human Synergies
- Customer Retention : Employee Retention
- Customer Bonding & Networking : Employee Engagement and Networking

*CS professionals need to build an understanding on the Internal Employee Behaviour against the Customer Behaviour. Also build constant learning the fine differences and balance.

So Next time a Sales & Customer Service professionals looking for a change... this could be a better option?

Ofcourse, if the HR professionals need to build the capabilities and stay and grow in the career is to learn the skills of Sales & CS professionals.

* A program like MissionHR(r) @ Husys would help bridge the gap and help growing people....


  1. Hello GR,

    could you please contribute an article on "consequences of errors done by HR" at all levels right from backend recruiter to Vice presedent HR"

    Many Thanks,
    Bharath Daripally

  2. Do you have any openings for a generalist role in Husys in Chennai ?

    Thanks and regards,
    Minal T.
